AKSK training for increasing the capacities of critical and important information infrastructures with National Agency of Information Society (AKSHI)

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority for (AKSK) in the framework of increasing the capacities of critical and important information technologies of the development of training in data 29-30 May 2024 with the specialists of National Agency of Information Society (AKSHI).

Through the training, it was aimed that IT/CT specialists were known and aware in the field of cyber, to be able to give a response to cyber incidents and to prepare for the identification of threats.

The topics included in these two days of training are divided into three phases:

-Presentation/awareness of cyber measures and risk management.
-Table Top Exercises (TTX)
-Cyber ​​Drill (CD) – Realistic simulations of US cyber incidents.


Cyber ​​hygiene awareness training